How do you know if you have a high self esteem? What is self esteem?
In 2 minutes write 5 things you like about yourself. These MUST be things about you and not how you interact with others. If you can not come up with any qualities or you only can come up with one then we need to work on your self esteem.
Self esteem is confidence in one's value or worth. This is the most important part of an individual person : Value and Worth
If you need to work on self esteem here is an activity:
1.Write down 5 things you like about yourself (if you are having trouble with this ask a family member or friend)
2. Write each characteristic on an individual notecard.
3. Stare in front of the mirror and read each card aloud 3x a day.
4. Add qualities every month.
This trains your brain to value yourself and believe these qualities.