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Brain Training

How powerful is the brain? Have you ever heard of mind over matter? The brain communicates information to our body and in turn our body responds. Thoughts are powerful and they control our body's response. Positive self talk is crucial to creating a balanced body. Everyone has times where negative self talk enters. It is the ability to reframe statements that allows for homeostasis. If you are someone who constantly has negative thoughts about yourself then you can benefit from writing affirming statements to read. Examples of common negative talk are below and how to change the thought:

I hate who I am.

I was born unique and special and I have value.

I don’t deserve to feel good about myself.

I am deserving to accept and appreciate all of my value.

I do not deserve to love myself.

I deserve to love everything about myself. I am unique and special. There is nobody like me.

I can’t do anything right.

I may make mistakes, but mistakes are an opportunity for learning.

I’m not smart enough to do that.

I can buckle down and try my best. That is all I can ask of myself.

I am not good enough.

I am Good enough.

I don’t have a lot to offer.

There are a lot of qualities I have to bring value to myself and others.

I’m such a failure.

I’m Never giving up. It’s learning from failures that turn in to success stories. HAVE GRIT!

I don’t’ deserve to be happy.

I deserve to be happy and surround myself around positive people who lift me up.

I have no power to control my happiness.

I am in absolute power to control my happiness. I can only control myself, and nobody else.

Bad things always happen to me

Life is like a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs. For every up there is a down and then an up is around the corner. Cherish the ups and persevere thru the down.

I’m so stupid.

Some things come easily, and some don’t and that is for everyone. I will focus on my strengths and work on my weakness.

People won’t like me.

I will surround myself around people that lift me up instead of put me down. If they don’t fill my cup they can leave.

If these negative thoughts have a tendency to creep in your brain then please write the positives down and read them aloud. Only practicing this can allow for the brain to re train itself.

Link to notecards that can brighten up this assignment.

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